Update – April 22
As of 1st April, free universal testing in England comes to an end. Check-in to venues ended in February of this year. Visit England’s Good to Go Industry standard is to close, In England, face coverings are no longer required by law. Most of the remaining Covid restrictions in the UK have ended. So the pandemic is over right? Alas…
COVID-19 has not gone away, please take steps to protect others, and consider the more vulnerable in our society.
Whilst no longer a legal requirement, the government suggests that you continue to wear a face-covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with other people you do not normally meet. While we can’t enforce mask-wearing, please continue to assess the risk to yourself and particularly the most vulnerable. Ask people what they are comfortable with, from handshakes to hugs, to wearing a mask or not wearing a mask. Lifting restrictions does not mean the lifting of our responsibility to each other.
If you have any cold or flu symptoms, even if it is not covid, we ask that you pop on a mask (or stay at home if you can!). Despite having lived with Covid for over 2 years, what people don’t realise is that masks are usually worn by a person who has covid, the cold or flu to protect others, rather than to protect the wearer. Although all age groups are at risk of contracting COVID-19, older people face a significant risk of developing severe illness if they contract Covid. Respect your elders by wearing a mask.
Artspace Lifespace staff are no longer required to test before meeting groups of people as a precautionary measure. Staff will be asked to work from home if they exhibit cold or flu symptoms and to take a lateral flow test before coming to the office. If staff do not have Covid and can’t work from home, they will be required to wear a mask at work. We will support our self-employed staff by paying sick pay for their missed work if they test positive for covid.
What can I do to help protect others?
- Please stay home if you are ill if you can.
- Continue to test. LFTs are available in UK pharmacies for less than £2.
- Wear a mask!!! Remember wearing a mask is the most effective way to Protect Others.
- Wash your hands
- Open a window/door to keep shared space ventilated
Where to buy cheapest LFTs? Lloyds Pharmacy Test kits are available in various pack sizes, including single tests for £1.89 or up to a pack of five for £9.29 (£1.86 per test) and from Morrisons Pharmacy tests are £1.75 in store.
NHS Guidance What to do if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) or symptoms of COVID-19
Thank you for continuing to consider and protect others by choosing to wear a mask.